On this page you can find all sorts of information about bilingualism (or multilingualism). The topics range from beginner’s guides to advanced specifics and back again. Feel free to roam about and learn more about bilingualism.
Are you new here and don’t know much about the topic yet? Try the “start here” first, to learn more about the basics of bilingualism and how to prepare for a bilingual baby (or older child).
Start here
This page has the basics of bilingualism. Read about the different types of bilingualism, what kind of strategies there are and how to start planning for a bilingual baby (or older child of course).
Language development
A child’s language development follows general patterns. This is for both monolingual children and bilingual or multilingual children. However, there are some differences between these patterns. In this series you can read more about this langu
Read more
On this page you’ll find all other posts that I’ve written on bilingualism so far. Read more about several different topics and dive into more specified subjects. Did you already read the basics of bilingualism in “start here”